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The 2019 is a busy year for the Kenya lioness. With the just concluded HSBC 7s Qualifiers in Hong Kong, the women 15 Aside World Cup Qualification is set to take place in August as we await the confirmation dates of the Tokyo Olympic Women 7s qualifier later in the year. At the door step and a possible return, is the Women Elgon Cup encounter: we take a look at how the year has been soon far in the local scene which is the main conveyor belt for the National Team and what the KRU C.E.O Sylvia Kamau had to say:

”The first quarter has been a milestone in so many ways for Women rugby, first the 2019 10 Aside rugby calendar had six legs from the usual five, two of which were held in Nakuru County, both at the Nakuru Athletics Club. The number of the main teams in the festival also increased with the inclusion of the Kisumu Dolphins and a further six University teams that were Invitational sides to the festival.

The media coverage of the women games especially from KBC Channel 1, K.T.N News and KUTV created awareness and content of Women Rugby across the Country. This has been a boost in the coverage compared to previous years. The creation of this awareness is already bearing fruits judging by the many questions we are receiving from the various parts of the country concerning women rugby and how to introduce young girls into this sport.

Top Fry Nakuru Ladies team also made history by becoming the first Women’s team outside Nairobi to win the overall trophy, emulating their male counter parts who did the same by lifting the Kenya Cup title a few years back. The emergence of the Kisumu Dolphins shows that there is a lot of potential in the Country considering they are a new team joining Women Festival and they finished above two regular Women’s Festival teams. They are the first Women’s rugby team to be formed in Kisumu and the second club team to be formed after Top Fry Nakuru ladies team outside Nairobi.

Kisumu ladies in action at the second leg of the KRU Women’s Festival.

Top Fry Great Rift 10 Aside Women Tournament was a first of its own kind with the tournament having Two Divisions its kind. Division One was composed of Top fry Nakuru, Standard chartered Impala Saracens, Stanbic Mwamba, Menengai Cream Homeboyz, Northern Suburbs & Shamas Rugby Foundation. While Division Two had Top Fry Nakuru II,Egerton University, Kenyatta University, Sure 24, Muranga University & Comras. The two Divisions were a pilot project for enabling teams that were not core sides in the Festivals so as to have a smooth transition when they face the Division One.

All our sponsors more so World rugby, Dasani our official hydration Partner, Isuzu- our Transport Partner, Match Officials and all the clubs that took part and invested in the Women’s Rugby program. We want to say thank you for their continued support and input as this would not have been possible without them.The cooperation with the Great Rift 10 Aside host team: Top Fry Nakuru was the icing on the cake, the trophies and medals they provided to the teams were an add on spectacle that ensured the ladies took home memorabilia that they will treasurer beyond their playing days.

Our focus now moves to the 15 Aside Franchise with the first game being played at K.C.B Grounds on Sunday the 28th of April 2019 as from 2pm to allow families friends and loved ones to come watch the ladies play. We urge you all to continue with your unwavering support, input, sponsorship both in kind & cash, and cooperation as we strive to development Women Rugby in Kenya to the highest level both Locally and Internationally.” she concluded

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