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Cyprian Kuto dotted down twice as Shujaa faced Argentina in their last Pool B match beating them 24-19 at the Sam Boyd Stadium. Argentina were first on the scoreboard as they scored two quick tries through Santiago Mare and Luciano Gonzalez taking an early 12-0 lead.

Cyprian Kuto would later swing past his defender and stretch over for Shujaa’s first try with the conversion sailing wide. Captain Jacob Ojee was next to register five points to his name as he spotted a gap in the Pumas defense line and immediately sprinted for the center post try, Daniel Taabu added the conversion leveling up the scores to 12 all at half time. Daniel Taabu gave Shujaa a 19-12 lead over Argentina when he sold a dummy to the Pumas and raced down half the pitch to score Shujaa’s second center post try and add the conversion.

Argentina’s Francisco Ulloa split the Kenyan defense and dashed for their third try next to the posts, the conversion that followed leveled up the scores to 19-19. In the last 90 seconds of the match, Taabu’s kick and chase resulted in Shujaa camping deep in Argentina’s 22,  a visit that resulted in an extra five points for Shujaa as Cyprian Kuto spotted the space left out wide by his defenders and used it to score the fourth try at the corner. Conversion went wide.

In the last play, Argentina would win possession after a Kenyan infringement but the Kenyan defense would not give them any opportunity to gain any meters and soon they lost the possession. Shujaa claiming their first win at the USA7s.

Shujaa lost to USA and France on the first day.

Shujaa finished fourth in Pool B and are scheduled to meet the team that finished third in Pool C at 3:32am in the second Challenge Trophy QF.

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