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The Kenya Rugby Union has unveiled the Independent Electoral Board that will oversee the upcoming elections to be held during the Annual General Meeting on 24 March 2023 in Nairobi.

Experienced rugby administrator Aggrey Chabeda will chair the board which comprises of Sadik Makii (Kenya Cup clubs representative), Auka Gecheo (Championship clubs representative), Faith Basiye (Women’s rugby representative) and sports lawyer Sarah Ochwada ( KRU Board representative).

Commenting after the board’s unveiling, KRU Chairman Oduor Gangla said, “As a board we are committed to ensuring we conduct the elections within the parameters that were given by the sports tribunal and adhering to the KRU constitution as well as the Sports Act.”

Independent Electoral Board

Chairman: Aggrey Chabeda

Kenya Cup representative: Sadik Makii

KRU Championship representative: Auka Gecheo

Women’s Rugby representative: Faith Basiye

KRU Board representative: Sarah Ochwada

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