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KRU would like to clarify the issues surrounding the Brand Kenya Sponsorship which has led to the embarrassing situation in Paris.

We’d like to begin by thanking Brand Kenya for their support to KRU which is greatly appreciated especially coming at a time when KRU is operating on a shoe string budget with some support from only one other sponsor.

The sponsorship had an element of cash to be paid directly to the players for direct promotion of Brand Kenya. Brand Kenya have already submitted 4M as part payment of the sponsorship as per the contract.

This has gone into funding more priority needs of the team such as player allowances for the London and Paris legs, Accommodation and Airfare for the extra management carried on the tour and outstanding training allowances.

What is due to the players is ksh 2.5m which will be be paid as soon as additional installments or money from other sources is received by KRU.

The incident is highly regretted and we unreservedly apologize to Brand Kenya for the embarrassment this has caused and are working to sort out the situation in Paris.

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