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Further to the Memorandum from the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Heritage as well as consultations with the Infectious Diseases Division of the Ministry of Health and further taking cognizance of the fact that rugby is a contact sport, we have jointly come up with guidelines below.

  1. The Kenya 7s Team that recently returned from Los Angeles and Vancouver is advised to self-quarantine for 14 days from their arrival on 10th March.  Should they exhibit any symptoms they are to contact the KRU medical team immediately and/or report to the Kenyatta National Hospital.
  2. Whereas sport in general is not banned, no team training will occur in the meantime, both at club and national team level.  Should there be any team activity, players and officials are urged to practice social distancing in all activities, i.e. maintain a distance of 2m from other persons and avoid physical contact.  There should be adequate soap, water and sanitizers available for frequent hand-washing as well.
  3. Should any contact training take place – regular testing is required, virtually daily, an unlikely situation and hence discouraged.
  4. Coaches are encouraged to send out individualized programs to their players. These may mainly be conditioning and personal skills programs.  Players are advised against using any gym or other public facility.
  5. Should anybody whether training or not, exhibit any of the classic symptoms, they should contact the nearest health facility or the Kenya Rugby Union for advice.
  6. The entire rugby fraternity is encouraged to follow the regular guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health.
  7. Further information will be released as and when it becomes applicable.

Thomas Odundo


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