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The Kenya Rugby Union will host its first ever Medical super week that will see Educators from all over the World converge in Nairobi to conduct the various courses from the 17th to the 19th of September at Shallom Guest House.

The Super Week will have three courses running concurrently: Immediate Care In Rugby Level 2, First Aid In Rugby Level 1 and Activate Injury Prevention Program.

Medical super week has been in plan since August with Rugby Africa showing confidence in Kenya’s ability to host elite courses.

There is also a launch for a new course by World Rugby ahead of the Rugby World Cup 2019 “Activate injury prevention Program” that will be taught to educators here in Kenya to roll it out. Activate is a simple – to – implement exercise program that reduces the risk of injuries in the game and contributes to player performance,” said George Ndemi, the KRU Training and Education Coordinator

The ICIR L2 course will run on 17th and 18th and shall be conducted by Aileen Taylor, Joseph Kalanzi, Austin Jeans and Luis Mendia. A total of six participants have confirmed their attendance in this specific course.

The FAIR L1 expects about eight to ten people to attend and will be conducted by Kenya Simbas and Lionesses’ Physiotherapist and Certified Educator Ben Mahinda together with Rugby Africa’s Denver Wannies and Johnbosco Muamba. This will be a one-day course slated for Wednesday the 18th.

Denver Wannies, Johnbosco Muamba and Mike Hislop will oversee The Activate Injury Prevention Program on all three days Tuesday 17th to Thursday 19th where eleven participants will be in attendance.


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