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This past week, the Kenya Rugby National Teams’ Captains have been urging their teammates and the players at large to find ways of keeping fit as we all stay at home during this Covid19 pandemic.

Following the confirmation of several covid19 cases in Kenya, the government issued a directive stating that all sports and social gatherings be put on hold to avoid the spread of the virus. This meant that even the club and National teams’ training sessions were put on hold until further notice.

Shujaa’s Captain Andrew Amonde reminded Kenyans to heed to the Government’s call of staying indoors as it’s the safest way to avoid the spread of the Covid19.

Kenya Lionesses Captain Philadelphia Orlando and Chipu’s Dominic Coulson echoed Andrew’s comments but the two also shared home workout ideas that their teammates can work on.

“As sportspeople, we need to keep our fitness levels up for better health and performance. We also know that exercise is medicinal and also a good way of maintaining our sanity during a time such as this,” said Orlando.

“By staying at home, you find yourself with a lot more time than normal so during this period, try and fill thing time with things such as keeping fit, learn a new skill, pick up a new hobby and even challenging yourself to read a book every so often. You also have this time to bond with your family especially since we may not always have enough family time due to other commitments”

Dominic’s counterpart Ian Masheti, who is also part of Chipu 2020 leadership group had this to say, “In a bid to stop the spread of the coronavirus, I urge you to heed the government’s call to stay indoors. This, however, shouldn’t stop you from keeping fit whilst in the comfort of your home. You can easily do your pushups, squats, skipping rope, and planks just to name a few. You may also reach out to your coaches for guidance on the best workout plans,”

Kenya Simba’s scrumhalf Samson Onsomu went a step higher and did a few pushups at the comfort of his home as he urged his teammates to follow suit in a daily program.

Working behind the scenes are the Strength and Conditioning coaches who have shared home workout programs with their respective teams to ensure each player remains active during this period.

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