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The Kenya Rugby Union held the Women’s 15s Franchise at the RFUEA Grounds featuring four teams; Ndovu, Shibli, Nairobi Metro U20, and Tier Two Combined.

Ndovu and the Tier Two Combined emerged victorious in their respective matches, Ndovu beating Shibli 27-12 in the 12noon kick-off match while Tier Two Combined handed the Nairobi Metro U20 side a humbling 64-00. Christabel Nasambu was the first to register points on the scoresheet as she landed a corner post unconverted try. Vivian Akumu would later round her defenders to land Ndovu’s second unconverted try before a quick tap taken by scrumhalf Veronica Wanjiku saw her dive over for a center post-converted try bringing the halftime score to 17-00.

Four tries were scored in the second half through Drani Futo and Beryl Odanga whose unconverted tries brought Ndovu’s score to 27 points. Shibli’s reserve player Catherine Bosibori scored her team’s first converted try followed by winger Marvel Laura’s five-pointer. Ndovu securing the win with a 27-12 score.

The second match pitting Nairobi Metro U20 against Tier Two Combined saw the latter register a staggering 64-00 win. In the first half, six tries were scored in the first half with two being converted successfully. In the second half, Tier Two Combined added an additional 3o points from five unconverted tries.

The event was graced by KRU Chairman Oduor Gangla and Director in charge of Development Kikechi Kombo who were very impressed with the potential seen in these ladies’ teams.

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