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Vincent Onyala’s scores a try during Shujaa’s last Sydney7s Pool match against France. Photo/Ross Nassif

Vincent Onyala scored Shujaa’s two tries in the Challenge Quarterfinal early Sunday morning as Kenya went 14-19 down to Wales. The Welsh were first on the scoreboard as Owen Jenkins dotted down his side’s first try in the first minute of the match with Luke Trehame adding the twos. Onyala, Cyprian Kuto and Bush Mwale showcased great ball handling skills in their passes and offloads that set up Onyala to score a center post try. Johnstone Olindi’s conversion leveled up the scores to 7 all.

Trehame gave Wales a 7 point lead as he scored and converted his own try in the fifth minute. With seconds left on the clock to half time Wales were penalized for an infringement, Wanjala going for a quick tap playing in Kuto who would then offload to Onyala who scored his second try. Conversion was successful; Wales 14 Shujaa 14 at the breather.

The second half, both sides matched each other on defense but a wide pass from the Welsh opened up Shujaa’s defense line and Ben Roach scored at the corner extending his sides lead by five points. A penalty against Wales saw Mark Wandeto attempt a kick and chase but the opponents were quick to get their hands on the ball kicking it into touch. Match ending 19-14 to the Wales.

Shujaa will play Tonga in the 13th Place semifinal at 6:04am EAT.

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