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The Kenya Rugby Union together with Rugby Africa has four events planned to celebrate the International day of sports for development and peace on 28th April across the country. One of the objectives that the rugby fraternity aims to achieve is  inspiring hope through sporting analogies

There will be three peace talks events on the day; the first being between Pokot and Marakwet communities in Rift Valley that will be lead by that region’s Development Officer, Basemath Nyabando. In the Metropolitan Region, Kajiado town, Sarah Atieno and David Weru will spearhead the community peace talks between the Kajiado Police and the bodaboda riders of the town.  In the Mt. Kenya Region, RDO Patrick Mwika will be in Isiolo leading the peace talks between Samburu and Borana communities.

The fourth event commemorating this day will be a webinar organized by KRU’s Development Officer Ronnald Okoth together with the International Peace Support Training Centre a college that’s run by the Kenya Defence Forces. The theme of this webinar is “Shaping peace together” and will have six speakers. Two of the speakers will be Kenya Sevens players and a prison reformer who will share how their lives have been changed through rugby’s values: Integrity, Passion, Discipline, Solidarity, and teamwork.

The other speakers are Captain Idris Miriam and Lt. Colonel Mwasaru who are in charge of the IPSTC together with two lecturers of the college, Dr. Michael Sitawa, and Michael Osew Ngachra.

Details of the webinar will be shared in subsequent communication.

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