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The following players have been named to take part in a trial on Sunday 29th April at the RFUEA ground. The trial will kick off at 2.30pm.

The trial will consist of 4 x 30 minute quarters with the majority of players playing for a maximum of 60 minutes.

National Coaches Ian Snook and Murray Roulston will be looking for players who demonstrate a consistent high work rate, make good decisions and strong shoulder dominant tackles. As well they must demonstrate an awareness of team play as against individualism.

The following Sunday on May 6th there will be a final trial after which the squad will be finalised for the Elgon Cup and World Cup qualifiers.

Team 1
Coaches Paul Murunga and Curtis Olago
Oscar Simiyu, Moses Amusala, Joshua Matasi, Coleman Were, Frank Khalwale, Dennis Karani, James Wanjala, Isaiah Nyariki, Wilson Kopondo, Oliver Mangeni, Philip Kwame, George Nyambua, Peter Waitere, Davis Chenge, Steven Otieno, Mike Wanjala, Mohammed Omollo, Biko Adema, Levi Amunga, Isaac Adimo, Felix Ayange, Brad Owako, Max Kang’eri, Johnstone Mungau, Israel Soi, Dennis Muhanji, Aggrey Kitoi, Vincent Mose, Edmund Anya.

Team 2
Coaches Frank Ndong and Charles Cardovillis
Thomas Okidia, Joseph Odero, Philip Ikambili, George Asin, Francis Mutuku, Patrick Ouko, Nelson Nyandat, Melvin Thairu, Eric Kerre, Malcolm Onsando, Andrew Chogo, Elkeans Musonye, Levi Ochieng, Peter Misango, Peter Karia, Martin Owila, Gabriel Adero, Samson Onsomu, Xavier Kipngetich, Michael Kimwele, Nato Simiyu, Henry Ayah, Jacob Ojee, Nick Barasa, Leo Seje Owade, Peter Kilonzo, David Ambunya, Tony Onyango, Dennis Ombachi, Darwin Mukidza, Michael Wanjala.

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