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Shujaa started the 2017 Dubai Sevens with a 29-15 win over Canada on Friday morning.

It was Canada who got the first penalty of the game, attacking Shujaa, Nathan Hiriyama going over for the opening score.

Sammy Oliech punished a Canadian mistake to equalize before tries from Collins Injera and Oscar Ayodi amidst two conversions saw Shujaa take a 19-5 lead into the interval.

Collins Injera scores as Shujaa beat Canada 29-15 in their Dubai Sevens encounter on Friday 1 December 2017

Dennis Ombachi got Shujaa’s fourth after the restart before brilliant interplay between Eden Agero and Injera saw Injera land his brace, Shujaa 29-5 up.

Isaac Kay played in Pat Kay to go over for Canada, the scores 29-10 with a minute to play. Pat would then land his brace to bring Canada to 29-15 at the death.

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v/s South Africa 1.36pm EAT
v/s Uganda 6.31pm EAT

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