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Shujaa cruised to the Challenge Trophy final as they beat semi finalists Argentina 42-10. Collins Injera set the pace for the team in the first minute of the game as he dotted down the first try. Moments later, Argentina  hit back as Julian Dominquez narrowed the gap with an unconverted try. Scoreboard reading 7-5 in favour of Shujaa; Augustine Lugonzo and William Ambaka were next on the score sheet as each landed a try extending Shujaa’s lead to 21-5 at the stroke of halftime.

Second half Argentina were quick to land their second and final try in this game before Shujaa took converted the ball possession they had into three tries courtesy of Billy Odhiambo, Brian Tanga and Andrew Amonde. Shujaa advancing to the final where they will play Wales at 6:32pm EAT.

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