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A 17-12 cup quarterfinal loss to Argentina ended Shujaa’s interest in the cup competition at the HSBC USA Sevens in Las Vegas on Sunday morning. Roura’s converted try gave Argentina a 7-0 lead but Eden Agero restored parity after converting Nelson Oyoo’s try. del Mestre’s unconverted try gave the Argentines a 12-7 lead at the interval.

Willy Ambaka would land an unconverted effort after the restart to again draw Shujaa level but Barbier’s try in mid second half sealed the win for the Argentines.

Kenya had earlier qualified for the cup quarters after beating Fiji 17-14 in their last pool match.  Fiji was first on the scoreboard as they landed their first try and a successful conversion following. Collins Injera’s try and Eden Agero’s conversion leveled the scores to 7-7 at half time.

Second half, William Ambaka would fend off a Fijian defender to score at the corner, Agero missing the twos. Fiji quickly took the lead after splitting the Kenyan defense to land a centre post try; scores now read 14-12 in favour of the Fijians.

An infringement by Fiji saw Kenya work on their attack and land a hard worked try by Andrew Amonde at the death. This win securing Shujaa’s spot in the quarter finals.



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