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Paul Odera has made seven changes to the squad that faces Brazil on Sunday in the second Pool A fixture. Ian Masheti, Samuel Were, George Kyriazi and Timothy Omela who started off the bench against Uruguay are now in the starting lineup. Dominic Coulson moves back to the fly-half position, Andrew Matoka starts as the full back while James Mcgreevy links up with John Okoth at the center.

The squad misses the services of Douglas Kahuri and Jeff Mutuku who are nursing a knock and an injury respectively. Rotuk Rahedi, Frank Aduda and Sheldon Kahi will start off the bench.

The match kicks off at exactly 1:00am EAT.

Squad Facing Brazil: 1. Andrew Siminyu, 2. Bonface Ochieng, 3. Ian Masheti, 4. Emanuel Silungi, 5. Hibrahim Ayoo, 6. Samuel Were, 7. Brian Amaitsa, 8. George Kyriazi, 9. Samuel Asati, 10. Dominic Coulson, 11. Timothy Omela, 12. John Okoth, 13. James Mcgreevy, 14. Geofrey Okwach, 15. Andrew Matoka.

Finishers: 16. Wilfred Waswa, 17. Ian Njenga, 18. Collins Obure, 19. Rotuk Rahedi, 20. Frank Aduda, 21. Sheldon Kahi, 22. Barry Robinson, 23. Owain Ashley, 24. Michele Brighetti

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