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The Stanbic Bank National Sevens Circuit kicked off with The twelfth edition of the Prinsloo7s tournament at the NAC Grounds.

The Division Two category had a total of 24 teams participating from 8:00AM to 6:00PM. The top eight teams in the division were MMUST, Embu, Northern Suburbs, Resolution Kisii, Egerton, Makueni, Comras and Kiambu who won all their pool matches.

They have booked a date with each other in the Cup quarterfinals as follows:
10:00AM Cup QF1 – MMUST vs Embu
10:20AM Cup QF2 – N. Suburbs vs Kisii
10:40AM Cup QF3 – Egerton vs Makueni
11:00AM Cup QF4 – Comras vs Kiambu

The other sixteen teams will battle it out for the Challenge Trophy and Spear Trophy as follows:

Challenge Trophy
8:40AM Challenge trophy QF1 – Daystar vs Ngong
9:00AM Challenge Trophy QF2 – MKU Thika vs Nakuru KITI
9:20AM Challenge Trophy QF3 – Citam Kisumu vs Stingers
9:40AM Challenge Trophy QF4 – Eldoret vs TUK

Spear Trophy will have the matches running concurrently in the two pitches in the following order:
8:00AM(Pitch A) Spear trophy QF1 – Stormers vs Bomet
8:00AM(Pitch B) Spear trophy QF 2- Mbale vs Molo
8:20AM (Pitch A) Spear Trophy QF3 – KCA vs Adminstration Police
8:20AM (Pitch B) Spear Trophy QF4 – Shamas vs Bungoma

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