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You may be part of the say 3.3% that is still debating on whether or not they should attend the match (because the majority which is 96.7% is already coming to the game; because we are that sure of ourselves J). You are still not convinced on why you must not should attend the match. Here are 5 reasons which will definitely make you decide not to miss the game.

1.Socializing and Networking

There is no better place to meet new people, socialize and reconnect with old friends. It could be the common hatred or love of the team, or just the simple act of having a beer together, heck, it could even be the DJ playing a song you both enjoy; that could spark that conversation. Whatever the reason or mechanics, you are bound to hear a story or two that could connect you to the person next to you. This is indeed the place to be.

2.Team Spirit and Loyalty

You can call it the Kenyan Spirit which we all have in us. Having fans at the grounds is bound to bring team camaraderie just by virtue of the fact that they are supporting the same team. It is a perfect time therefore to demonstrate your ‘Team Kenya’ pride and loyalty with painted faces, cheering gear, chants and all.

3.Family Outing

If you are a parent or guardian, you have kids running around like they are on sugar rush; then bring them down to RFUEA Grounds. It’s a chance to cultivate the team spirit in them, teach them a few rugby basics and to top it all, children under 12 get in for free. Furthermore, you will be encouraging them to adopt more to outdoor games as opposed to staring at their TV or IPad screens all day.


The essence of attending an outdoor event is having fun while at it. There will be lots of entertainment both at the venue and at the village area thanks to our sponsors and partners such as SportsPesa, Tusker, Isuzu, Safaricom, among others.

5.Food and drinks

For the foodies and those who like to get woozy with some boozy, we have catered for you too! Food fresh off the grill, fast food, snacks, beer, whiskey and not forgetting the teetotalers’ soft drinks will all be available at the village.

6. Last…And Most Importantly…The Opportunity To Witness First Hand African Rugby’s Biggest Rivalry

By virtue of being next door neighbors, Kenya and Uganda boast a fierce rugby rivalry, the Simbas of course holding the upper hand with 20 wins in comparison to Uganda’s 9 wins over the 29 previous encounters between the two countries. It is always an electric atmosphere at the RFUEA when a win is posted against Uganda, it is numbing on the few, very few occasions Uganda leave Nairobi having scrapped through victorious. 

Above all, if you like all the above but wonder how you will sit cramped with all the other people considering that you are mister or miss money bags, then we have catered for you too! We have a few remaining VIP tickets on sale at 1000bob which guarantee you a seat at the center stand (that offers the best view of the match), a pass to the Quins bar, where the after party will be.

So, come one, come all! Tag along your friends and family. In fact, if you want to impress someone, buy them a ticket. Be it that new girl or boy you got hots for or even that client that hasn’t signed the contract yet, this is your opportunity to shine! You never know, it could lead to your big break!

Okay, we have preached it enough. See you on Saturday. Grab your tickets at www.tikiti.co.ke. Advance tickets are Kshs. 400 (regular seating), Ksh  1000 (limited VIP) . You pay 500bob at the gate.


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