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The Kenya Rugby Union together with the Nyanza Region affiliates will hold the third Super Week of 2019 this week leading up to the Elgon Cup encounter at the Mamboleo ASK Kisumu.

The Super Week in Kisumu will be held at the Mamboleo Showgrounds Facilities on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st of June focusing on two courses: Level 1 Coaching 15s and Level 1 Introduction to Officiating. The two courses will run concurrently on both days.

The Prerequisites for the two courses are available on the World Rugby Website as listed below:

Level 1 Coaching 15s
Level 1 Introduction to Officiating
Willing participants are advised to get in touch with the KRU Training and Education, Coordinator George Ndemi through (gmndemi@kru.co.ke) by Wednesday 19th June 2019.
The first Super Week was held in April together with the 2019 Barthes Cup Tournament while the second one was in Kakamega leading up to the Kenya Cup Final.
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