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A total of 17 medics attended the World Rugby Immediate Care in Rugby (ICIR) Level 2 Course held during the Training and Education Super Week on the sidelines of the recent Rugby Africa U20 Barthes Trophy.

10 of these medics received their ICIR Level 2 accreditation. They included Nashon Owino, Levis Kituyi, Redemptor Chepwogen, Vanessa Okara, Evelyne Kerubo Siro, Prince John Ouma Sanga, Maria Adhiambo Omondi, Patricia Waweru, John Otieno all from Kenya as well as Zimbabwe’s Anne Butau.

Another 7, all from Kenya, had their licenses renewed. They are James Ondiege, Christopher Makachia, Samwel Ochieng, Joseph Kolli, Philemon Odidi Ouma, Kennedy Odhiambo and Gerald Omondi.

Also taking place during this Super Week was a ICIR Educator Course was attended by James Ondiege, Christopher Makachia, Levis Kituyi, Kennedy Odhiambo and Levis Kituyi.

Commenting on the Super Week’s outcome, Kenya Rugby Union Training & Education Coordinator George Ndemi said, “We have increased the number of personnel in the country who are involved in matters around player welfare, first aid and ICIR.

“This is in line with World Rugby’s Player Welfare strategy, which is to put the player first and to rely on an evidence-based approach for all decisions, “concluded Ndemi.

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